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"It's one of the most clever, engaging, and fun Rogue-likes I've ever played"

Game Skinny

"…one of the most compelling and addictive iOS games I’ve played in years."

Pixelated Paradise

1 of Pocket Gamer UK's Top 15 most anticipated games of October 2014

Pocket Gamer UK

"If you’re looking to get started within the realm of roguelikes, this whimsical title could be a fantastic entry ticket."

148 Apps

Card Dungeon is a bizarre mash-up of genres that works better than I'd expected. It's more about dungeon exploration than card collection, but it manages to make both quite entertaining.

Pocket Gamer UK

"A highly addicting mix of genres that ticks all the right boxes"


Original soundtrack by Ian Dorsch


Yay! We love the press. Interesting in writing up something about Card Dungeon? First check out the presskit here and contact us via twitter (above) or through email. Looking forward to hearing from you!